analyse précise du temps pour les sports et la physique à laide de la vidéo.
Have a video of a physics experiment? 100 meter sprint? Or a soccer free kick? Maybe you want to measure the period of a pendulum? Or the time taken for an object to fall?nnCamera stopwatch does it all! Just load the video and specify the starting and ending frames then youre good to go!nnUse Camera Stopwatch for any kind of measurement captured on a video in which you would like to calculate the elapsed time. The uses are endless!nnExamples of what you can measure:n- Angular speed of a fann- Frequency of a flashing bulbn- Period of physics pendulumn- Velocity of a sprintern- Velocity of a ball (tennis, soccer, baseball, etc.)n- and much more!!nnFeatures:n- Specify start and end frames moden- Navigation bar to specify frames quicklyn- Navigation toolbar to specify frames accurately (step 1 frame at a time)n- Two-finger zoom and scrolln- Save and share analysis resultn- 64-bit support for faster navigation!